The Rescued Lion Can’t Sleep Without His Favorite Blanket Carried With Him Since He Was A Cub! – Loloanimals

The Rescued Lion Can’t Sleep Without His Favorite Blanket Carried With Him Since He Was A Cub!

He looks like a spoiled baby in his favorite red blanket!

Just like a normal cat like their comfort!
Vicky Keahey is the owner and operator of the In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue and Education Center. She has rescued countless animals over the years, but perhaps the most special is this lion named Lambert!

Lambert the lion cub was in [ba.d] condition in 2014. In-Sync Exotics Wildlife Rescue has reached out to rescue this po.or lion after he was ille.gally pu.rch.ased as a pet by a he.artl.ess man and then a.ban.doned. He looked more like a poor weak puppy than a strong lion, as he should have been!

Lambert was [con.fused and] when he arrived at the rescue center, but his habit quickly won the hearts of everyone. Vicky covered him with a blanket when he was [con.fused and], and he curled up on that blanket and went to bed right away. She has always covered him with a blanket since then, and he can’t sleep without it!

Lambert has fully recovered and is now a beautiful, majestic lion. Nonetheless, the adult lion is now still in the center because he will not su.rv.ive in the wild.

Lambert now has 7,000 square feet of space to run around in, including a covered lair area for shade and protection, as well as a sunny, grassy playground with a swimming pool where he enjoys playing.

Lambert is active, playful, and brave, but he still requires his favorite blanket before going to sleep!

Because of the efforts of the rescue team, these wild animals in cap.tiv.ity have a better life, where they are cared for and loved! Hopefully, instead of being in small cages, all wild animals can be released into the wild!

So sweet how he enjoys his comfort with his blanket. He’s such a lovely lion!

Cute 🥰 he is just a spoiled baby 🤗❤️
Just like a baby human!! Beautiful animal ♥️♥️🙏

Watch the lovely moment here:

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